
ThenwhydoIfeelalone?I'mstandingonaledgeandyourfinespiderweb.Isfasteningmyankletoastone,MarianneChristineStangIhlenwasaNorwegianwomanwhowasthefirstwifeofauthorAxelJensenandlaterthemuseandgirlfriendofLeonardCohenfor ...,SoLong,MarianneisasongwrittenbyCanadianpoetandmusicianLeonardCohen.Itwasfeaturedonhisdebutalbum,SongsofLeonardCohen.,MarianneisMarianneIhlen,ex-wifeoftheNorwegianauthorAxelJensen...

So long, Marianne Leonard Cohen

Then why do I feel alone? I'm standing on a ledge and your fine spider web. Is fastening my ankle to a stone

Marianne Ihlen

Marianne Christine Stang Ihlen was a Norwegian woman who was the first wife of author Axel Jensen and later the muse and girlfriend of Leonard Cohen for ...

So Long, Marianne

So Long, Marianne is a song written by Canadian poet and musician Leonard Cohen. It was featured on his debut album, Songs of Leonard Cohen.

Leonard Cohen

Marianne is Marianne Ihlen, ex-wife of the Norwegian author Axel Jensen, who was a friend of Leonard. Leonard lived with Marianne in Greece together, in the ...

So Long, Marianne

Listen to So Long, Marianne on Spotify. Song · Leonard Cohen · 1975.

Leonard Cohen and Marianne Ihlen

2019年7月1日 — The pair met on the rocky Greek island of Hydra in 1960. Their romance inspired countless Cohen songs – and now a poignant documentary by ...